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Problem NewsPress after update

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Support Problem NewsPress after update

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  • #8470
    Dragos Cuzuban

    Hi guys,
    I have a problem with Heading Slider. If I put an Ad Code in settings – “Advertisement 01: Top of the Site” or “Advertisement 05: Over the Heading and Under the Heading Slider” my Heading Slider disappearing.
    I’m using a plugin for ads. If I try to put directly the script for banners I receive “403
    Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied!” and I can’t save settings.
    Any solution?

    D5 Creation

    Please consider that the Theme has reserved some places for Ads. But Theme can’t control the Ads Contents. You should contact with the Ads Provider.

    BTW, What is your Site URL?

    Dragos Cuzuban

    Hello again and thanks for reply. Now the problem is that the theme in section for ads in setting give me 403 forbidden when I try to put an ad code. If I use a plugin, like advanced ads and put the code in Newspress settings it works. The code is something like [ad Id 4332]. But when I try to put a script php or java, the theme give me 403 and don’t let me save.
    My URL is http://www.incotro.net
    But now I’m using plugin for ads and the banners are on the page. I would like to put the original script on theme advertisement settings section, not the plugin code…

    D5 Creation

    We shall tell you the Same. Theme has some places but theme doesn’t control the content. You can use any HTML, JavaScripts, ShortCode there but can not use PHP. You can use the ShortCode [ad Id 4332] , too. You can try disabling your Plugins one by one if any of them are responsible for them or not. 403 Error is a Server Side issue. Not fornt-end like the theme. If you provide us one Temporary Admin ID and Password to the Technical Support we can show you the Ads putting our Google AdSense Ads there. We are confirming you again, these are not Theme Issues.

    You can find these sites who are managing millions of visitors with Ads without any issue: ournewsbd.com anmnews.com alldaywow.com etc.

    D5 Creation


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