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Reply To: Social Link as Image, Not Font for Themes

D5 Creation

Is it possible to add Custom Font Awesome Icons to Social Links ?

YES, it is possible. Please find the Font Awesome Font Unicode like f0e0 from FontAwesome Icons. You can find this searching your appropriate icon and clicking on that.

Then find your desired HEX Color Code like #0157a7 from This Site. There are many other Color Picker sites, too.

Now Paste the following code in the WP-Admin > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS Box where abcd.com is the part of your site link, f0e0 is the font Unicode and #0157a7 is the HEX Color Code.

Additional CSS

Now you can use the link at the Social Link Box of your Theme Options Panel

Custom Social Icon

And the Site will show the Icon Correctly

Custom Social Icon in WP Site