Speeding Up your NewsPress Site | 500 Internal Server Error
A Site’s Speed is dependent on Various Factors. First of all your Internet Connection should be fast. Secondly, You should have a Properly Optimized Dedicated Server or VPS if you want a Blazing Fast Site with Thousands of Visitors. Sometimes some Shared Hosting Environment may provide you Speed but those should be optimized. WordPres has Numbers of Caching Plugins which can speed up your site easily. You can also use CloudFlare’s Free Pan for CDN and Optimized Content Delivery.
A few of NewsPress users face a problem for 500 Internal Server Error. But, This is Not a Theme Issue. We understand that this is raised from the low resource of your host/server. The features of NewsPress requires more server resources like 250MB PHP Memory, 120sec Execution time etc. You may ask your host to increase these values. You can deactivate the Gallery Block from Appearance > NewsPress Options > Gallery to improve the experience with a low resource server/host. You can also use any caching plugin like W3 Total Cache which can improve your site performance dramatically. We have configuration file which can set the settings for W3 Total Cache for NewsPress Extend. You can download This File, Extract and Import/Upload the extracted file from W3 Total Cache Dashboard > General. You are strongly Recommended to use CloudFlare.Com‘s Free Plan to increase the Performance and Site’s Security with W3 Total Cache.