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Re: Change to Header menus

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Support Change to Header menus Re: Change to Header menus

D5 Creation
Quote from pablocabo on June 24, 2013, 01:14
Theme: Simplify
Site: http://recruityourkid.com

This is the main theme… in the header are these 3 links;
About the Advantage
Advantage Membership
Log Out

I need to make a resume page, but want the header links to just be;
1) Logo
2) Script; label would be PRINT, and want it to print the entire page

its for a page like this;


You can find dozens of plugins for such these tasks. Please search any appropriate plugin in the WordPress Plugin Repository. If you want us for doing these you may take our Custom Service Opportunity because it will take more time and is not related to Themes.