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Re: Change to Header menus

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Support Change to Header menus Re: Change to Header menus

D5 Creation
Quote from pablocabo on June 27, 2013, 19:04
I guess this is where i’m struggling to ask the correct question (both with you and in plugin search..)

What would be the appropriate keyword to enter (I believe the correct term for the area I want to change is called the “nav menu”.).

I’ve tried a few, but most deal with general menus.

I figured out how to Add more than 1 menu, what what I’m struggling with is a) what page, and b) exact code (I”ve tried a few) to assign which menu (main-menu, menu2, menu3) to a specific page (eg. ID=712).

Again, great products – and appreciate the support!

If you want to implement a new Menu This Tutorial may help you. You can also use the default menu using a php conditional where the different pages will show different custom menus.