Quote from cosmos on January 18, 2013, 00:30
Good tutorial but I’m still having trouble. I have free version. I made a page I wanted as the home page but instead of showing, I see a grey square per usual and then the three highlighted ideas or blubs underneith. But even if I set the image as the featured image on that page, it doesn’t do anything. It remains a grey square and I still can’t see the page I set anywhere. I really need help! Here’s the site, if anyone can give me advice or tell me how to fix this. Thank you!
Pages, Posts, Featured Images are completely WordPress Core Features. We expect questions especially for our Theme Issues. All these features are working for our Themes.
If you follow the steps properly there is no reason which will not show the sliders. Most of the time users do the steps but don’t Publish/Save the Post or Page. The Free Version can show the slide from Posts only.