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Re: Post Issues

D5 Creation
Quote from pablocabo on July 19, 2013, 20:52
I’m circling back and went a different route.

Please open the this page: http://realestateinmeridian.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/post_issues.png

There are 3 issues I have;
1) Featured Image (does not go all the way across, thus the real estate listing I have are off in the formatting. How can i make the featured image larger, or at least the margins wider?

2) Title: Is it possible to remove author and posting date?

3) Right Column; How can i remove Archives and Meta sidebar widgets?

Thank you!

We see that you are requesting such these style customization continuously. Please use the same way as we mentioned in our previous posts for you. Just find specific styling code block and use that in the Custom Code within Head Area of Small Business Options

1) This will require custom coding and is subject to Custom Service Opportunity. You can hide this if you want using in the Custom Code within Head Area of Small Business Options.

#container .attachment-thumbnail, #container .attachment-category-thumb { display: none; }

Use the following Code in the Custom Code within Head Area of Small Business Options.

.postmetadataw { display: none; }

3) Use Full Width Layout from General Settings of Small Business Options.