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Re: Problem with CreditLine

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Support Problem with CreditLine Re: Problem with CreditLine

D5 Creation
Quote from coopernico46 on March 2, 2013, 23:53
Hi guys

I’m evaluating the Theme Simplify for my site and i’ve a problem with CreditLine in some pages.

The problem is that on some “pages” the CreditLine not stay in the bottom of the web but climbs up half screen
So for the visitors and for me it’s look like an error and it’s not pretty.

The web is http://www.informaticosadomicilio.net and for some examples you can visit:

Good page with creditline at the bottom of the web: http://www.informaticosadomicilio.net/contactar/

Page with error: http://www.informaticosadomicilio.net/nosotros/

Simplify 1.2.1
Wordpress: 3.5.1

Thanks in advance

We see no problem of the CreditLine