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Re: SIMPLIFY EXTEND Can I put a widget in First Row Feature Box?

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Support SIMPLIFY EXTEND Can I put a widget in First Row Feature Box? Re: SIMPLIFY EXTEND Can I put a widget in First Row Feature Box?

D5 Creation
Quote from UbUdesigner on March 29, 2013, 01:00
I would like to place a widget (Super RSS Reader) in my Left First Row Feature Box. There is no short code for this Plug-in. Is this possible any other way?

Currently, there is a form in that position but i would like to replace the form with this widget.

Thanks in advance.

You can use any HTML or Short Code in the Featured Box. Widget is a WordPress Core Feature. Please ask the WidGet author for any HTML or Short Code. We can set a Widget Place there but that will require Major Customization which is subject to Custom Service.