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Add linking ability to Partners & Clients images why Not in Simplify extended theme ?!

Front Page D5 Creation Forum Wish a New Product or Service! Add linking ability to Partners & Clients images why Not in Simplify extended theme ?!

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Ronnie Teurfs.
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  • #3270
    Ronnie Teurfs

    Hello ,
    this is something I would also like in t he simplify extended theme .

    I read you put it in the Business Line Pro theme so why not in the theme I’m using ?

    Hope to see this in the next upgrade of the theme .



    D5 Creation
    Quote from Roadracer on March 9, 2013, 04:34
    Hello ,
    this is something I would also like in t he simplify extended theme .

    I read you put it in the Business Line Pro theme so why not in the theme I’m using ?

    Hope to see this in the next upgrade of the theme .



    Thank you for your Suggestion. We develop the themes and add new features as per the users requirement. We have plan to add the suggested feature in the next theme version.

    D5 Creation
    Quote from Roadracer on March 9, 2013, 04:34
    Hello ,
    this is something I would also like in t he simplify extended theme .

    I read you put it in the Business Line Pro theme so why not in the theme I’m using ?

    Hope to see this in the next upgrade of the theme .



    Simplify Extend 1.3 version has this feature including many new features. You can download and use the 1.3 version now.

    Ronnie Teurfs

    Great , I’m going to do this right now.

    Thanks for the support.


    Ronnie Teurfs

    Just a question about the install of the new version. How do I do this without losing any allready made adjustements . I don’t want to start from scratch after the update . Witch files do I have to copy and witch do I have to live alone?

    Ronnie Teurfs

    OK , I named the old theme different ( to have backup) and installed the new version. It seems I lost the slider settings and the links to my foto’s ( on a page that links further to a gallery) . So I could life with that or is there a way to avoid that ? By not copying some items or are they all neccesary ?


    Ronnie Teurfs

    Never mind , I have solved it. I just had to update the 3dslide.php and update some pages and it’s working again.

    So you can go solve somebody else his/her problem.

    Thanks for the quick solution on the theme.


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