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Adding new options

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Support Adding new options

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Vladimir McBadger.
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  • #3209
    Vladimir McBadger

    Firstly, great theme.

    I’m using the free version currently to evaluate and I want to add an additional option. I’ve modified option.php and front-page.php and succesfully added a new piece of text that will display on the home page.

    Ideally I want to be able to display html text, however when I input the html into the option box the html tags get stripped out and all I’m left with is the text. Is there any way to add a new option that allos for html to be saved and displayed on the home-page?

    I assume that you would need to modify the option type but I’m not sure what value it would set.

    $options[] = array(
    ‘name’ => ‘Front Page Opt-In Box’,
    ‘desc’ => ‘Input your html for your front-page opt-in box here’,
    ‘id’ => ‘optin_html’,
    ‘std’ => ‘This is where the opt-in box should go’,
    ‘type’ => ‘text’);

    D5 Creation

    What is the Theme and What is your site url?

    Vladimir McBadger

    The theme is D5-Design and the URL is http://www.therealleanstartup.com

    Currently I’ve removed the additional option and added the opt-in box directly into the php for front-page.

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