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child theme from Business Line (free)

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Questions child theme from Business Line (free)

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  • #3244
    dman w


    shoutout to the crew @ D5creation for all their work. Thanks!

    Also to any other Business Line users who can weigh in.

    I’ve made a few changes to the style.css, page.php and index.php files of the theme before I learned about child themes.

    If I upgrade to the latest version – the modifications will (probably?) be lost.

    How can I preserve the mods and upgrade? eg File content comparison between the old and new theme files?


    josee doucet

    I was just looking for an answer to this question …

    D5 Creation
    Quote from chrysantheme on May 15, 2013, 17:56
    I was just looking for an answer to this question …

    We see that you are a DEVELOPER Member. You can download and use the Extend Version. Extend Version has Color Customization Options, Color Settings. You can implement any color change there. You can also implement any styling, javascript, html in Custom Code within Head Area. You will find both of those within Small Business Options. You can use custom CSS in the Custom Code within Head Area using starting and closing style tag like the following:


    body { color: #AAAAAA; }


    We advised users not to edit any theme files directly as they will be overwritten during next theme update if you don’t preserve any backup of your previous customization. But styling within the Theme Options will not be affected anyway.

    josee doucet

    Thank you for your prompt reply.

    If I understand correctly, I need to have a backup of my theme in which I am making changes directly in the theme.

    At this point even if I do a backup when a y ‘will update, I can use my backup and recover the changes before saving.


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