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Display on mobile devices

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Support Display on mobile devices

  • This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Gary Russell.
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  • #3161
    Nancy Nangeroni

    I’m revising a non-profit site to use a child theme of D5Socialia, and while it looks good on computer, not so much on mobile devices. Testing on iPhone, for example, the main column shrinks to about one-quarter page width, with the single sidebar appearing underneath. On iPad, the shrinkage is not as bad, but still noticeable.

    The site is http://www.masstpc.org/test

    I’m not expecting miracles, but our original wordpress-based site (www.masstpc.org) doesn’t have this problem. That site just displays the whole page unchanged (though in miniature). I’d like to keep the new site from shrinking the main content width, and, if possible, not move the sidebar.

    Any advice or suggestions would be greatly welcome. Thanks much!

    Laura DiBetta

    I have the same question. It looks good on a computer, but on the iPhone everything shifts to the left. Are there any plans to correct the theme for compatibility with mobile devices? Thanks for your help.

    Steven Paul

    It appears to be an issue on the iPad as well. It defaults the screen to a monster size and the viewer must shrink the page each time it loads.

    Gary Russell

    I have same problem http://www.your-pass.co.uk formats ok on pc but looks hellish on iPhone, seems to squash the image to the left 🙁 didn’t used to do this, anyone have any fix?

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