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“Error 413 Request Entity Too Large” Error? WordPress

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Support “Error 413 Request Entity Too Large” Error? WordPress

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by D5 Creation.
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  • #11663
    D5 Creation

    “Error 413 Request Entity Too Large” Error?

    HTTP Error 413 occurs when the request made cannot be managed by the server, and the files are too large compared to the maximum limit that the server can manage. This is not a WordPress and/or Theme/Plugin related issue. This is a server-side issue and should be resolved by the Hosting/Server Configuration. In that case, the browser window generally displays the message “413 Request Entity Too Large”. This problem can occur if you try to upload too large files via the browser, exceeding the limits imposed by the webmaster for security reasons or others.

    The possible Error Messages may be:
    – Error 413
    – HTTP Error 413
    – HTTP Code: 413
    – Request Entity Too Large
    – 413. That’s an error.

    How will you resolve this?
    This is a hosting issue. So, it is you or your hosting company who can fix the issue. Sometimes some hosts set the maximum upload limit as lesser than 2MB which is very low. If they don’t want to increase these, they are not ready to host WordPress Sites, simply you may consider changing the host.

    If you use shared hosting services, you may have to ask your host to increase your upload limit up to 15MB.

    The maximum size is controlled by two PHP settings: upload_max_filesize, and post_max_size. These are PHP.INI settings, and you may or may not be able to modify them yourself. It depends on your host. So you have to ask them what the correct way to change their value is for their setup. You may need to edit the .htaccess, you may need to add a few ini_set lines to your wp-config.php file, or you may need to edit a PHP.INI file. Can’t say for sure.

    Only your host can help you with the correct way to alter those values. You will need to talk to them, or search their help files.

    But You can still Upload/Install the Theme by Yourself without contacting the Host/Server!
    You can also upload the files using the FTP Method escaping these values or ignore contacting your host.

    Recommended PHP configuration limits are as follows:

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