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NewsPress help

  • This topic has 13 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by D5 Creation.
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  • #5121
    Captain Walker

    NewsPress is your best theme yet IMHO. However, I’m unable to find a theme tutorial on your site (having looked). In particular I am unable to configure the slider [I use your other themes where the slider seems more accessible and easy to configure].

    By slider I mean this
    Theme Slider

    D5 Creation

    For Free Version the Slider will show the latest 02 posts and their Featured Images as Sliding images. The Extend Version will show those posts and their featured images which you will select during the post/news creation/editing. You can find a Panel under the Post/News editor. You should check the appropriate boxes from there.

    You can control the Slider Settings form the NewsPress Options

    Captain Walker

    Cool and thanks.. now to get that (and more) into a tutorial like D5 has done for the other themes. YouTube is good = good for business too. 🙂

    D5 Creation

    Thank you for your suggestion. We shall try to implement these.

    Captain Walker

    Also I can’t figure why I’m getting duplicate images in posts. See screenshot below. I have tried different combinations of settings – does not help. The only thing that works is to delete the featured image from each post, but then it does not turn up in the slider.

    Duplicate images

    D5 Creation

    You should not insert the same image which you also use for featured image. You should use the featured image mainly. There is a Options Tab in NewsPress Options where you can configure something like you can set the first inserted image as featured image.

    You configured the options so that the featured image is generated automatically from the first inserted image. You can control these from Appearance > NewsPress Options > Featured Image.

    We request you to visit and read all options under NewsPress Options first.

    Captain Walker

    That’s what I did and get the captioneed problematic result (tried all combinations even with new posts). [You have admin privileges to my site (in my last ticket) check if you need]
    double images

    D5 Creation

    You Selected the Set Automatic Featured Image with Every News if not Selected One Previously. And then the Featured Image was generated from the first inserted image of your news/post. It is a WordPress behavior that once a Featured Image is created that remains with the post until you will delete from the Post/News Editor. We deleted the Featured Image from the Post Editor and the Duplicate Image is not visible.

    Captain Walker

    Sure… that’s elementary. Done that already. And as it is at the moment, the image in the post doesn’t show up in the slider. See screenshot below.
    not in slider
    Look at your demo site here:
    demo post @ newspress
    When I clik on that I get this:
    full post of sharpova
    All I’m trying to do is to get the image in the post to be:
    a) a single image in the post, and
    b) image to show up in the slider
    I can’t seem to work out which settings will achieve both (a) and (b) like on your demo site. Once I check “Show in Front Page Heading Slider”, the post shows up in the slider without the image from the post (unlike that at your demo site).

    D5 Creation

    In that case Insert the image as Featured Image and remove the attached image from the post/news. We think you are creative to do that.

    Captain Walker

    We think you are creative to do that.
    You thought right.

    That solution is elementary. It amounts to manually attaching an image to a post, which is not a favoured method of using WordPress. I’m expecting you to disagree, but it won’t change the facts of what is observed.

    The reality is that a method of
    1. extracting an image in a post, and
    2. making that image a featured image, without it appearing duplicated –
    ought to be scripted, or a script generate to achieve what I and others will come to need.

    In the current configuration, it seems to mean that anyone using these features cannot expect the first image (or be able to select one of many in a post) to be featured without a duplicate being seen on viewing the actual post, unless that image is added separately and manually as a featured image. I don’t know why all that is something you would want as developers.

    I would have thought an efficient method of achieveing what I’m looking for would be better for your NewsPress theme, and for your business. It’s either it can be done or it’s impossible. I hope it’s not the latter.

    D5 Creation

    These are mainly Plugins Territory and we introduced this with Themes to reduce the site loading time due to huge scripts. Anyway, we have implemented your suggestion and uploaded the new version of NewsPress Extend. This new version will keep the attached image and will not show the featured image if the attached image and featured image be same.

    Liberty Eagle

    How do you make it automatic that articles show in the slider without having to check the box every time when creating a post under Newpress Options?

    D5 Creation

    Unfortunately, you can’t do this without customizing the code. Everything is dependent on may things.

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