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No Widgets enabled, but still showing in sidebar-footer!

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Support No Widgets enabled, but still showing in sidebar-footer!

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  • #3438
    Phil M


    I just came across this wonderful theme of yours called Small Business.
    After editing a few lines of .css I noticed there are a few widgets showing that were meant to be deleted already.

    It’s the categories, sample text and list items that cause problems here.
    As I already searched through your forums I found a couple posts always stating that WIDGETS are WordPress-features and by no means created or connected to your design.
    I have to say that this is certainly not true because I tried the following:

    – Disable SB theme and used a default one
    -> Widgets were gone

    – Enabled SB theme
    -> Widgets were there again

    – Searched through some files of SB and came across the following three files:


    These three files now contain the code to show the so called ‘widgets’.
    Using WP Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets won’t help as they were not listed.
    I have no idea where exactly the problem is here, but there isn’t a single plugin I use (just as of now) or used.
    Link to the current state is:

    I will now try to get a workaround by deleting/editing those three files and hope for the best.
    Other than that – AWESOME THEME! 🙂

    Phil M

    I figured that adding the whole content as a comment will disable everything.
    Thanks again for your awesome theme.

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