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Small Biz – Free Version. How do I remove the Meta and Archives widgets on the Homepage

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Questions Small Biz – Free Version. How do I remove the Meta and Archives widgets on the Homepage

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Michael Caruso.
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  • #3530
    Michael Caruso

    Hi, I have the Free Version of the Small Business WP theme and I am attempting to remove the widgets for the Archives and Meta on the homepage. I have went into Appearance > widgets section on wordpress and have removed all of them from the Footer and Sidebar areas. All of the others have been removed but the Meta and Archive fields remain on the homepage. The website is http://www.mastermoversny.com

    D5 Creation
    Quote from mcaruso on February 17, 2014, 15:17
    Hi, I have the Free Version of the Small Business WP theme and I am attempting to remove the widgets for the Archives and Meta on the homepage. I have went into Appearance > widgets section on wordpress and have removed all of them from the Footer and Sidebar areas. All of the others have been removed but the Meta and Archive fields remain on the homepage. The website is http://www.mastermoversny.com

    The Read More will be appear when you have sufficient text in your post. Whole of the post Contents are visible in the slider. You should have some more words which should be read going to your post page. 🙂

    Michael Caruso

    This is a solution for a different issue. I am looking to remove the Meta and Archives widgets on my homepage. (mastermoversny.com) Please review my first post in this thread and reply back.

    Michael Caruso


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