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Reply To: Gallery Block in NewsPress Extend

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Support Gallery Block in NewsPress Extend Reply To: Gallery Block in NewsPress Extend

Eduardo Jimenez

I have carefully read the thread twice. Top to bottom.

The fact is that if I set do not show block gallery in Newspress options, as I don’t want it to be shown, no matter if I configure each post to show on editors choice or not, editors choice block doesn’t show.

If I set “show block gallery” then it doesn’t matter if I have not configured a gallery, or if I do state not to show a post in front page, it shows all the blocks (and the gallery block empty appears, more gallerys appears with an untady aspect) and of course editors choice shows too.

I’m sure that I must be doing something wrong, but my mistake is not specified in your thread, as I have followed it carefully.

By the way, what does “very important new” change? Your thread says “check this if any news is very important”. Obvious but, what if I check it?