D5 Creation Forum

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Reply To: Small Business Pro – Header graphic won't display

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Support Small Business Pro – Header graphic won't display Reply To: Small Business Pro – Header graphic won't display

D5 Creation

The Upload button should work without any reason. The Upload system is a WordPress Core Feature. That is dependent on JavaScripts and jQuery. Your computer should have support for these.

You should use Small Business Extend. Extend is the ultimate version. We shall not upgrade the Pro anymore because we have discontinued the STARTER ans ADVANCED Membership. We have sent you the Extend Version in your E-Mail. Please install that just like a new one. All of your settings will remain same.

For Static Page you should set to show the page or posts from Appearance > Small Business Options and Settings > Reading.

If you want us to check your site please provide us the Site URL, One Temporary Admin ID and Password Here.