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Re: Changing footer and featured boxes

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Support Changing footer and featured boxes Re: Changing footer and featured boxes

Marc Burkels
Quote from d5creation on December 13, 2012, 10:49

Quote from locutus2000 on December 13, 2012, 03:30
So this is my first time building a word-press site and I decided to use the D5 Design theme (free). I’m already quite happy and was able to modify some things like removing read more buttons and changing the top area size. But now I still need to customize the footer section and I would like to resize the 3 featured boxes because I removed the read more buttons there as well.

I’m unable to find both, could you please point me in the right direction?


The Pro Theme users will have the option to edit the footer credit line.

I Actually meant the footer sitemap so with sample text, meta, List items & categories. I would really like to change the sample text or just plain remove all of that. Is that only possible in the Pro theme?