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Re: Corporate Pro: Slider Duration Adjustment

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Support Corporate Pro: Slider Duration Adjustment Re: Corporate Pro: Slider Duration Adjustment

D5 Creation
Quote from macompisi on November 12, 2012, 02:20
Is there any way to adjust the duration of the slider? The default slider hold is about three seconds – I would like to make it longer. I have looked at the HTML and did not see any values that looked appropriate for adjustment. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Theme: Corporate Pro v1.5.04


We will include a Theme Option for this in the next theme version. Now you can do the following to change the interval.

– go to d5slide-option.js and open it under js folder
– insert interval: 2500, after line 11 and save. Chnage 2500 as per your requirement. ( 1 sec = 1000 )
