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Re: Has your support been hacked?

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Questions Has your support been hacked? Re: Has your support been hacked?

D5 Creation
Quote from bevital on May 28, 2013, 05:42
I am one of your “Developers” and have been waiting for hours for a response, and when I finally got it, the response was “have you activated the theme? The theme won’t work unless you activate it?”

Is this the level of support I should expect? That’s like asking “did you plug your computer in? You computer won’t turn on without electricity”.

I think you should check to see if your support system has been hacked because I can’t believe anyone would ask a such a question.

Best regards,


We are sorry for any inconvenience but we have previous experiences that Developer users didn’t activate the Extend Edition of Themes. Please write to [email protected] with the Site Url, One Temporary Admin ID and Password so that we can check your site and find what happened in your slider settings.