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Re: Tabel on page is in view behind Sibebar on some pcs

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Support Tabel on page is in view behind Sibebar on some pcs Re: Tabel on page is in view behind Sibebar on some pcs

D5 Creation
Quote from Roadracer on March 20, 2013, 00:09

on the D5 Creation extended i made a page standard template form and put a tabel with some rows on it .
When I see the site on my pc it’s ok . The tabel is showing on the left beside the sidebar but if I see the same page on my daughters mac the tabel is showing a big part behind the sidebar .

Any idea’s how that is possible . I had now to make the page full width but that is a solution for now only I hope .

It’s pc(mac) related but what causes this phenomenon .


What is the Page Specific URL?