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Help on theme extension like on simplify extended

Front Page D5 Creation Forum Wish a New Product or Service! Help on theme extension like on simplify extended

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  • #3290
    Ronnie Teurfs

    Hello again,

    I know You did a fantastic job on the theme simplify extension item Partners & Clients .(see previous post)
    I’m working on a second website with the D5 Design Extend . So here is the question : can I copy and paste some of the code to get the same ability that you created for the simlify extended theme regarding clients?
    The problem is I know a little bit html but that is really a little bit and I suppose the changes to have the same as the simplify theme would be to big to do it myself I’m afraid!?

    I could work with a plugin to change every page to another theme ( like Page Theme plugin) but I like the D5 Design extend theme ‘s first page so that’s not a option.

    Any ideas?


    D5 Creation
    Quote from Roadracer on March 16, 2013, 20:33
    Hello again,

    I know You did a fantastic job on the theme simplify extension item Partners & Clients .(see previous post)
    I’m working on a second website with the D5 Design Extend . So here is the question : can I copy and paste some of the code to get the same ability that you created for the simlify extended theme regarding clients?
    The problem is I know a little bit html but that is really a little bit and I suppose the changes to have the same as the simplify theme would be to big to do it myself I’m afraid!?

    I could work with a plugin to change every page to another theme ( like Page Theme plugin) but I like the D5 Design extend theme ‘s first page so that’s not a option.

    Any ideas?


    An idea may be you will open the front page in Firefox and/or Chrome and click the Right Mouse Button and Select View Page Source. Copy the appropriate part you need and paste that in Text/HTML Mode of Editor of any page you may create. Change the Texts, not the HTMl Tags.

    We wish we will introduce such these features in our Themes so that Users can do these easily.

    Ronnie Teurfs

    That’s what I was thinking of but since I’m a noob on HTML this will go with alot of error and trials . I take ofcourse backups. I’m trying to get used to reading and understanding html . But it’s going to take some guessing where and what to copy and paste because I want to keep the layout has it is .
    Can you give me a small hint where to start copying so that I don’t need to read all of the html . For you it’s like reading a book for me it’s like reading a full dictionary.
    The website is : http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be


    Ronnie Teurfs

    OK , I found the lines via the firefox webdeveloper and think how to change them but have two questions about this .
    1. If for a reason there will be a update for the theme will the by me made changes still be there or have I to make these changes again. Not sure what is being updated with a new release.

    2.Where is this homepage html to find : I’m still searching how the webpages are build up . Which php files first is loaded and then wich next one etc…..
    So for me it’s a bit searching like a needle in a ….. lot of files.


    D5 Creation
    Quote from Roadracer on March 20, 2013, 23:20
    OK , I found the lines via the firefox webdeveloper and think how to change them but have two questions about this .
    1. If for a reason there will be a update for the theme will the by me made changes still be there or have I to make these changes again. Not sure what is being updated with a new release.

    2.Where is this homepage html to find : I’m still searching how the webpages are build up . Which php files first is loaded and then wich next one etc…..
    So for me it’s a bit searching like a needle in a ….. lot of files.


    You need not touch any Theme File. You will open the Front Page of your website in Firefox and/or Chrome and click the Right Mouse Button on screen and Select View Page Source. Copy the appropriate part you need and paste that in Text/HTML Mode of Editor of any WordPress Page (Page Editor) you may create. Change the Texts, not the HTMl Tags.

    This process will not affect the Theme Updating.

    Ronnie Teurfs

    I think I understand wath you mean. But the problem is that I have no home page made myself . I have made a link in the menu to go to the home page like this

    I have no idea wich page is loaded . So I have no idea where to change the html.
    Sorry that you have so much trouble with me . The build up of a site in wordpress is not always (for a noob ) easy to follow.


    D5 Creation

    No, you are not in right point. Create a WordPress Page. Select Full Width Template from Page Attributes. Select Text Mode of the Editor. Paste the following code there. Edit the texts without touching the tags. That will create the page like the Front Page.

    <h1 id=”heading”>De Spelende Oldtimers zorgen voor een muzikale sfeer bij al uw activiteiten.</h1>

    <div class=”featured-boxs”>

    <span class=”featured-box”>

    <a href=”http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be/?page_id=12&#8243;>

    <img src=”http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/agenda.jpg&#8221;>

    <span class=”read-more”>Lees Meer…</span>



    <span class=”featured-box”>

    <a href=”http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be/?page_id=127&#8243;>

    <img src=”http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Dir_270_200.jpg&#8221;>

    <span class=”read-more”>Lees meer…</span>



    <span class=”featured-box”>

    <a href=”http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be/?page_id=134&#8243;>

    <img src=”http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Viering-65-ste-Huwelijksverjaardag-te-Duffel-2.jpg&#8221;>

    <span class=”read-more”>Lees meer…</span>



    </div> <!– featured-boxs –>

    <div class=”sep3″>sep</div>

    <span class=”featured-content1″>

    <h2>Op zoek naar muziek voor Happening?<span> Stop met zoeken!</span></h2>

    <p>U houdt een tuinfeest , receptie , muzieknamiddag , openlucht feestje of een andere happening en bent op zoek naar aangepaste sfeermuziek . Dan bent U hier op het juiste adres . Surf verder om meer te weten te komen.</p>

    <a class=”read-more” href=”http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be/?page_id=146&#8243;>Lees meer…</a>


    <span class=”featured-content2″>

    <h2>65ste Huwelijksverjaardag muzikaal gevierd.<span> Een receptie om niet te vergeten!</span></h2>

    <p> laatste prestatie werd door het publiek zeer gesmaakt. Het gelukkige koppel dat zijn 65ste Huwelijksverjaardag vierde was zeer de indruk. We hopen hen nog een fijne toekomst tegemoet.</p>

    <a class=”read-more” href=”http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be/?page_id=140&#8243;>Lees meer…</a>


    <div class=”sep2″>sep</div>

    <h2 class=”post-title” id=”client-text”>Interessante Links</h2>
    <div class=”content-ver-sep”></div>
    <div id=”client”>

    <img src=”http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/devrijeburgers_icon.jpg&#8221;>
    <img src=”http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/one_com.jpg&#8221;>
    <img src=”http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/google.jpg&#8221;>
    <img src=”http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/d5_creation.jpg&#8221;>
    <img src=”http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be/wp-content/themes/d5-design-extend/images/client5.png&#8221;>
    <img src=”http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be/wp-content/themes/d5-design-extend/images/client6.png&#8221;>
    <img src=”http://www.spelendeoldtimers.be/wp-content/themes/d5-design-extend/images/client7.png&#8221;>


    <div class=”content-ver-sep”></div>
    <div id=”customers-comment”>
    <blockquote>Wij voorzien uw seniorenfeest , opendeurdag(en) , teerfeest , tuinfeest , jubileum of andere feestelijkheid enzovoorts van aangepaste sfeervolle muziek. Muziek van de jaren 50′ tot heden zit in programma. Surf verder om hier meer over te weten te komen.</blockquote>

    D5 Creation

    This is just a trick how you can create a page like the Front Page. You can try it. We wish you will be successful.

    We will try to introduce new Theme Options to create Front Page Like Posts.

    Ronnie Teurfs

    Ok , i’m going to try this later on . I now have a other appointment.

    For now THANK YOU very much

    Have a Nice day


    Ronnie Teurfs

    I tried that but then I get several other issues to solve again:

    1. the name of the page (title) is now showing on the page.
    2. The slider image on top is gone
    3. The images of the Featured Image don’t line up and the backgrounds are on the left side from the images
    4. Featured Content is not lining up like in the front page

    The only thing I got to work is the links I wanted.

    It’s getting a bit out off my hands just for putting a link on a pic.

    Any remarks on this?


    Ronnie Teurfs

    Never mind that.


    You implemented this in the themes . WOW.

    You guys ROCK.

    I’m really thankful and wish you guys all the best.

    I will recommend this Site to everybody.


    Rajendra Patel

    Fantastic Product!!!!!!! Great work. Thank you ver much


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