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My Banner Images wont load… :-(

Front Page D5 Creation Forum General Questions My Banner Images wont load… :-(

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by D5 Creation.
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  • #3459
    Ana Lorian

    Help!! I have been trying to upload my banner image for the past two days. NONE OF MY IMAGES WILL UPLOAD…:-( Is there a string of code that needs to be changed or something?

    Thank you in advance.

    website: http://analorian.com

    Ana Lorian

    It would happen that as soon as I ask for help I figure out the answer. Thanks for the great themes!!


    Paul White

    Is the Banner Ad Code HTML? If it is, then it wont load as well.
    Ana, how did you do it?

    Paul White

    I guess my question is this, —- where do I find the banner Ad code, and what exactly is it?
    Thanks for your answer.

    D5 Creation
    Quote from Kiwiboy52 on February 8, 2014, 05:52
    I guess my question is this, —- where do I find the banner Ad code, and what exactly is it?
    Thanks for your answer.

    Smartia has only Free Version now. We are aware that the Free version has some issues because it was not updated regularly when all of our 29 others themes are updated regularly. We have a plan to release an Extend Version of Smartia within 2/3 days. The DEVELOPER Members can download and use the Smartia Extend within 3 days. The total Theme Framework will be changed during this new Release.

    But the FREE Version can still show Ad Code. You can visit our DEMO to see that the Ads are working. You can download the Theme from D5 Creation Site and can install.

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