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  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by D5 Creation.
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  • #9472
    Damian Osorio


    I just bought the NewsPress Extend theme and I use it on informantesenred.com
    However, I do not know why the foot is only seen in the complete note, but it is not seen in the main page or cover page.

    To what …?
    Thank you very much and best regards!

    D5 Creation

    This is a problem of low resource allowance from your Host/Server, not a problem of Theme or WordPress. This is happening because the Maximum PHP Memory allowed by your host is too lower than the standard practice. Please ask your hosting company to set the Maximum PHP Memory to more than 256MB. You can also disable the Gallery Block from WP-Admin > Appearance > NewsPress Options > Gellery. Thus your PHP Memory demand will be reduced. You are also requested to optimize your site properly. You can use W3TodalCache Plugin and use CloudFlare.com Free Plan for better performance and reduce the pressure on your hosting/server.

    You are requested to read This Articles

    Article 01

    Article 02

    Article 03

    Article 04

    Article 05

    Article 06

    Damian Osorio

    Thank you very much for your help, solved the problem, best regards!

    D5 Creation


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