Simplify Extend, Update to the latest. Many New Features have been added in the 2.0 Version

Simplify Extend had been updated and uploaded to the Server. This is a Major Version which is 2.0
You will find the following New Features with this Version
- You can change any text to your Language easily from the Simplify Options without touching the Theme Files. This will ensure multilingual site. Your Web Presence will be easier to multiple languages.
- You can design the Second Row of Featured Box as the design of First Row Featured Box. Now It is just a one click matter.
- You can disable the Post Date, Post Author, Tags, Categories etc from your posts. So your Posts will act as Pages. Simplify has become more CMS Friendly!.
And significant performance and coding update have been done in this version. Update your Theme Version to the Latest.
You know that Simplify was the 5th Most Popular Theme at
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