Category: WordPress Themes

D5 Creation is providing World Class Free WordPress Themes with their Premium WordPress Theme Versions. All of these Themes are Responsive and Super Elegant

Top Reason to Rely on WordPress

Top Reason to Rely on WordPress in 2019 for Enhanced Business Revenues

WordPress in undeniably the best content management system, which is utilized by numerous people around the globe! Whether it is a personal blog or a business website, WordPress is perhaps the finest platform that can help in building powerful and engaging websites! A lot of businesses rely on this influentialRead More

Modern Web Developer

Top 10 Skills Every Modern Web Developer Must Have

Web development has been more in focus in the last few years. And there’s a huge expectation from web developers since we can see the abrupt change in digitization and technology. The process of web development ranges from tons of tasks which include creating complex web applications from plain textRead More

Use WordPress to Grow Small Businesses On the Internet World

How to Use WordPress to Grow Small Businesses On the Internet World

Over the past few years, WordPress has become the most elegant content management system to host a website. Its raging popularity now holds almost 27% of the entire internet activities done by website developers, bloggers, and even business owners. The remarkable platform offers efficient features that a website can haveRead More

E-Commerce SEO Tricks

7 Important E-Commerce SEO Tricks to Get Natural Traffic

In order for an Entrepreneur or an e-commerce marketer to build a strong digital marketing strategy, integrating E-commerce SEO is need as this provides the foundation of websites. E-commerce search engine optimization is a process that involves generating traffic to your specific website from search engines such as Yahoo, Google, and Bing. Therefore, as an E-commerce marketer orRead More

Top 10 Tricks to Make Your Online Business Successful

Top 10 Tricks to Make Your Online Business Successful

Entrepreneurship is a rocky road; making a business successful consumes everything: varied traits of good and bad personalities (in a balanced way, of course!), every aspect should be ready to invest high on knowledge and intellect, and most of all the significant things in life. An entrepreneur, specifically into onlineRead More

WordPress A/B Testing

A/B Testing in WordPress and How It Can Help Grow Your Website

In order to run a successful WordPress website, you need to make sure that all of its elements work in unison to provide a streamlined, enjoyable user experience. The trick to accomplishing this is to fine-tune each individual element, from headings, to images, to navigation menus, to buttons, until youRead More

Marketing for Small Business

SMS Marketing or Email Marketing for Small Businesses ?

Running small scale businesses is challenging, and we have to deal with challenges meticulously to make the company successful as well as long sustaining. Every business owners come across a lot of potential challenges. As they face certain challenges, they try to find the escape route. In most of theRead More

WooCommerce Order Form

Create a WooCommerce Order Form for Increased Conversions

Getting a steady flow of qualified leads into your sales pipeline is truly the lifeblood of any business, large or small – particularly when you have invested time and money in creating an outstanding WordPress website, a proactive SEO campaign and a sustained social media campaign. A WooCommerce Order FormRead More

3D Flash Slider Issue

SIMPLIFY, Premium and SPARK Themes’ 3D Flash Slider Issue

You may know that the Flash Based 3D Sliders of SIMPLIFY, Premium and SPARK themes are very popular among the Web Developer and Designers. We introduced the 3D Slider in WordPress Themes for the First Time in 2012. SIMPLIFY was among the top 5 most popular Themes at WordPress manyRead More

Optimizing WordPress

Optimizing Your WordPress Site – A 15-Step Guide

Slow websites deter visitors. In fact, a recent survey reported that 35% will wait 3-5 seconds, 20% will wait less than 3 seconds, and 7% expect an immediate load. Only 38% said they would wait any longer. Ideally, you want a two-second load. In this article you will learn OptimizingRead More

Make Money with a WordPress Website

A Quick Guide on How to Make Money with a WordPress Website

Is it possible to Make Money with a WordPress Website? These days, there is a trend of creating WordPress websites. Almost all individuals with a little knowledge of the internet and computer can easily create WordPress websites and start their digital life in an easy way. Numerous WordPress Site DevelopmentRead More

8 Business Tips to chew over before buying a Premium WordPress Theme

8 Business Tips to chew over before buying a premium WordPress Theme

Why there isn’t any traffic on my website despite I’ve spent a healthy amount on the theme? This question irritated me for two months. Those sleepless nights worrying about the amount of investment I’ve made on my website. Still gives me shivers. Feeling depressed one day. I went out aloneRead More