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8 Steps for WordPress users to create Google optimized website content

When you're trying to drive traffic to your WordPress website in a natural and organic manner, the design of your page is merely window dressing. If you aren't, first and foremost, focused on the key components of search engine optimization, you could be doing little more than adding lipstick to a pig when it comes to trying to improve the volume of traffic making its way to your website.

Boost the number of visitors to your WordPress site, and the quality of those clicks, by following these steps to create Google optimized content.


Fill your pages with original content

In the world of search engines, content is king. Original content, containing the right keywords will certainly help you make a mark in the Google rankings. The text has got to be written with the reader in mind – yes, it needs to appeal to Google's optimization standards, but ultimately, the reader has to be able to read it, be informed by it and actually enjoy reading it. There's no sense in stuffing your content with keywords, because that will only make it sound unnatural and turn readers off. Adding new content to WordPress is as simple as it gets, and making that content fit the theme of your subject is made even easier with d5Creation.


Don't be the missing link

Links are great for your readers, because you can help them easily connect with additional, relevant information. But, Google also loves seeing links within your pages, and backlinks from other websites linking to you. Exchanging backlinks with highly recognized websites within the same field can certainly up your credibility with your audience and boost your rankings on Google.


A picture says a thousand words

Including images within your content is always a good idea. A mix of text, images and videos adds interest to your WordPress site and can present your information to readers in a different perspective. But, don't forget to name that image something relevant and include keywords within the file name. Remember that, along with website suggestions, Google will also display images in its search results. So, when your image name matches up with what searchers are looking for, you can pull in even more visits.


Permalinks pump up your optimization

Even within the actual names of the links contained within your WordPress pages, there should be relevant keywords. Google looks through every component of your content, so optimize each thing for maximum effect. Naming your page http://mywebsite.com/page123 does nothing for helping with your search engine rankings. Instead, name it something that relates that what readers would be searching for, such as http://mywebsite.com/indoor-soccer-shoes.


Use themes for many reasons

Search engine optimized themes can do much more than just make your WordPress page look good – although a good looking page can do a lot of good for a website. Because there's code written into the theme design, it actually adds to the content Google is including in your website, making it possible for you to increase your keyword density, without sending up the red flags at Google. You can find a number of free, extended and pro themes at D5 Creation that can dramatically change the face and overall impact of your WordPress site, in terms of search engine optimization.


Divide and conquer

Setting up headings and subheadings within the text of your content helps your readers to skim through to find what they're looking for. You can highlight the different components of your content, and bring attention to the most important information. Don't go overboard with the headings, because your readers are still looking for relevant content, and too many headers can make your page look like one big advertisement. Beautiful examples of using different headings and subheadings can be seen throughout the theme gallery at D5Creation, including this eye catching and visually pleasing travel themed page.


Get social

Social media is huge and only continuing to grow. Make use of it by promoting your content using it – but also be sure to provide your readers and followers with links to other information they will find useful and interesting. And, by linking their pages and promoting them, those sites are more likely to repay the favor and do the same with your content.


Forget about flash

Sure, Flash may look great on screen. But it's pretty much invisible to Google's eyes. Because of the way the coding is written, Google isn't able to pick up on the content within your Flash presentation, so it has virtually no impact on your rankings and optimization. WordPress is the way to go, because all of the content is visible to Google.


Get more traffic to your WordPress website organically, without having to pay for advertising, by optimizing the content within your pages. These steps will have you well on your way towards getting the biggest Google boost your content can give you.

Author : Gloria Kopp

Gloria Kopp is a web content writer and an elearning consultant from Manville city. She works as a part-time blog editor at Write My Essay company. Besides, she is a regular contributor to such websites as Engadget, Essay services, Huffingtonpost etc.

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