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Reduce Bounce Rates on Your Blog

7 Secret Methods to Reduce Bounce Rates on Your Blog

When you build a website all you need is traffic and leads. You want to grow your business and that is the reason that you build your website in the first place. If your visitors will bounce all the time they get to your website, then there is no chance that you will be able to cope up with that.


If you’re finding it difficult to increase your search traffic and improving your email signup then you are at the right place. In this post, I will give you all the information that is needed to reduce the bounce rate of your website. This will enable you to acquire more clients and get more leads.


On the contrary, you have a time span of fewer than eight seconds to conjure the attention of your visitor after which he might vanishes in thin air. So, let’s begin our journey to rescue you from the wrath of high bounce rate and help you grow your business online.


What is Bounce Rate?

Now, before going to the term, we need to understand what search engine calls a bounce. If your user closes your website only after visiting one page of your website, then it will send only one request to the analytics to record the session. Well, a bounce rate is the total number of these single page sessions divided by the total number of the sessions.


A successful website is the one, where a visitor tends to visit more than one page and hence a low bounce rate will always tend to increase the conversion rate of the website.


Now, as you understand what bounce rate is, let’s get you started with the tips and tricks that will help you to reduce the bounce rate of your blog.


●      Avoid Irrelevant Pop-ups

Now, let me give you a figure that states that, more than 70% of users find irrelevant pop-ups annoying. Well, if your website has that, you are pissing off lots of your potential leads. I know it is a debatable subject whether to use pop-ups or not. Yet, most of the successful bloggers just don’t use popups as they are annoying to the users.

avoid using popups

It has been even quoted by Neil Patel, that “I don’t use popups because they annoy users and lead to a higher bounce. I know that when I visit a site and a popup disrupts my reading, I may decide to leave.


So, most of the successful bloggers don’t intend to have any sort of pop-ups while some of the bloggers and website owners do have pop-ups but they are relevant to the post they present to their viewers. This proved to be one of the biggest difference between the successful bloggers and the amateurs after the quality of content of course.


●      Improve Your Content’s readability

Why would anyone visit your blog? It is obvious they are looking for some information, and they will stay only if they find it relevant to their cause. Another point of view here is that you need to make your content scannable as no one on internet reads directly the whole post. First, they tend to scan it whether it is worth reading or not.


So, make sure to make your post scannable. How would you do that? Well, make sure that you use the shorter paragraphs and loads of relevant images that serve the purpose of either informing the viewer or entertaining them.


Avoid using passive sentences unless it is paramount. Apart from that, there is one more thing that can really help you in the cause.


Make use of one line paragraphs in your posts.


This way you can make your content readable and get hold of your viewer for the desired time of yours. Once your visitor finds your content readable, he will stick around and might look for more information in your blog or website.


●      Make Use Of Multiple Landing Pages

Now, we all know that high volume keyword tends to attract more traffic. So, here you must create multiple landing pages to serve your users for a well-directed content that drives your viewer to go for the call to action button that you tend to put on your website to make your reader a lead.

Make Use Of Multiple Landing Pages

Create landing pages attractive and simple that can guide your visitor to go for the button that you intend for them.


Most of your visitor exits your website from your homepage which leaves a very bad impression on Google in terms of user experience. Solve this issue by creating the landing pages for high volume keywords.


Landing pages from 10-15 tend to increase 55% of your leads. And this is a significant increase that you intend to take leverage of.


●      Speed Up Your Page Load Time.

You must have been an internet surfer, a voracious one in your time. How much you wait for a website to load in your browser? Probably 5 seconds.


This is the exact time, your visitor will wait and then he will disappear into the thin air if it didn’t open by then. You need to improve your page loading time or else, you might end up in increasing your bounce rate to the extent where there is no turning back.


There are many ways by which you can improve your page loading time. If you’re a WordPress user then there are many WordPress plugins that you can use to increase your page load times. Also, you can also make use of Google AMP that can help you to improve the mobile page load time.


●      Set External Links To Open In New Windows

Well, that is one point that is just a decent use of common sense. You want people on your website, not on some other website that you used just to link for a plausible data that supports your findings.


Make these external links to be opened in new windows, so that your user will get hold to your website while he can check the data you shared with that external link. Also, by doing so, you also make it easier for search engine analytics to not mark it as an exit of your visitor which will definitely increase your bounce rate.


●      Insert relevant & Related Links In The Right Place

Just to make sure that the post’s page is not the only place where your viewer will visit, you need to cater some of your relevant posts to your visitor. If you’re using WordPress, then it is as easy as installing and activating a plugin.


If not, then there are many means that can help you to add a section of related posts just below the post which is being visited by your viewer.


●      Interlink Your Posts

This is another aspect of the above point. You must interlink the post with your other posts in your blog to assure that the bounce rate is not increasing.

Interlink Your Posts

This is one of the most efficient ways to make sure that the visitor sticks to your website and don’t just leave after single page visit.


Winding It Up

Bounce rate can be killing your website’s analytics hence affecting your SEO rankings. You don’t want to do that hence follow my lead and make sure that your website’s bounce rate doesn't increase.


I hope this post helps you in your cause. Did I miss something? Let me know via comments and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Till then take care.

Author : Jessica Nellson

Jessica Nellson is an SEO expert and part time blogger for Toronto SEO expert Dmitriy that assists small, medium and large sized companies with all of their search engine optimization and social media needs. Jessica is a passionate blogger and likes giving advice to increase traffic to your blog or website

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